15-04-2009, 07:49pm
Volvi Wrote:a few katanas, a few wall hangers and that Marto. Yes and licensed, one has to be in VIC. But no big deal at $25 thru Australian Knife Collectors (AKC) in Perth.Hi, Volvi, I went to the Japanese sword museum while working in Tokyo, its an amzing place. At the entry is a raw slab of steel ready for shaping and there are video's for sale showing the construction of a sword from mixing up the raw materials into the furnace to placing the handle on the end. Everything is done in the same way but no 2 swords are ever the same. From memory I think the museum holds 3 of the national treasures. One sits in a glass case so you can look down its length from all sides. Its is mind blowing the perfection in shape and line and the curved surface looks machined, its amazing that a person did this. As an apprentice fitter in trade school we were taught to shape steel by hand with hacksaw, chisel, file and scraper making rule holders and other tools so I can really appreciate the skill to achieve this level of craftsmanship. In my opinion, the Japanese sword is one of the finest examples of sword making in the world with the exception of Toledo, Spain, but thatâ€s another story.
Here is there web site http://www.jnto.go.jp/eng/arrange/attrac...0eg9y.html
I have noticed that depending on who you go to the price of the swords vary greatly; if youâ€re interested you may want to look at some of the smaller sword makers in Japan as they are usually from the older houses and trained by past masters.
I only have one knife, and original Cold Steel Katana from 198ish when they were still made in Japan. Its a collectors item now, would love to add to it with a set of three from the same shop, Tanto, Shoto and Katana on a plain light cedar stand, dream on I suppose but one day.