Finally did it
Hi guys its only taken a year but I finally found 5 minutes to register Ive met some of you occassionally at Road Warriors and gave me a hard time about not joining. Now my next hiccup is getting around this site. Hope to catch up with a few of you in the near future so you can explain how to use this site.
Wm Coach

"May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of the person who screws up your day, and may their arms be too short to scratch." Ghastly
Welcome Coach
Glad to have you aboard on the board. Hopefully will meet you in person one day.
Welcome coach
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
MOBILE 0433 92 99 22
Welcome Coach. Glad you decided to join in.

Is that coach as in touring bus, or coach as in mentor?
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
BUSGO Wrote:Welcome Coach. Glad you decided to join in.

Is that coach as in touring bus, or coach as in mentor?

Thats for the welcome guys,off to face the bitter weather and freeze my (nuts) off
Busgo coach is for soccer coach for a local all age Ladies Team
Wm Coach
soccer coach for a local all age Ladies Team

Hiya Coach,

Just a friendly warning. This site should come with a government health warning. It's Fun, and addictive. You'll get hooked and trust me if you miss a few days in a row you'll even get withdrawl symptoms. The first of which is a noticable return of sanity. So in other words, come on in, leave your brain at the door and Welcome.


PS, Whoever it was that picked up my brain on the way out last time, can i have it back. This one wont stop thinking about sex.

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