Busa Gel seat
Rod let us know how it goes, been looking at one on ebay as well. My old ass needs all the help it can getLol3
So, you'd be preaching to the converted?
Wotcher mean the busa gel seat, eh, mate? Do yer mean stock, isit?Coz I fought the stock one suxed and the coverin' were even worse - split after a 'oole 4 years?
what language are you speaking Raz?
[Image: bmr.gif]
Rocketrod Wrote:Got my new gel seat from the states yesterday.Looks and feels the goods for the $$$$$.I will post a pic when i take one.
Why suzuki australia doesnt bring them in has got me stuffed?
Do they think we have harder arses than the americans?Confused :2funny:

So they don't have marsh mellow  seats Confused  They got switchable maps though Pi_thumbsup Roll
Never ride the A model of anything.
I find the stock seat is beaut.
I rode a K1200S for 100 ks the other day, with a Corbin seat on it and it was like sitting on a surfboard.
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Yes Busgo i thought the std seat wasnt too bad either,especially compaired to some sports bikes(bloody planks with vynal stuck on it)but mines was split and had gone hard and started to crack.Ive seen these things on ebay and then read a few things on the net about them,so i got me one.It certainly feels different to the std and has a different material covering,its sort of like a wet suit material kind of feel.
Raz it is not a std seat,but a genuine suzuki aftermarket replacement which is not available here through suzuki australia.
Busgo i have heard mixed opinions about corbin seats,some say they are the antz pantz and others say they are too bloody hard,personal opinion i guess,they also might vary from model to model.
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