Congratulations ...
To those spoiled brats who cannot refrain from their pathetic attempts to point score off one another congratulations.

If you had shut your mouths long enough you would have noticed that NOBODY is posting any relevant info about the busa any longer.

Remember the bike this board is all about? Or are your over inflated egos now so big you can't see the wood for the trees.

I have been careful not to take sides in this bullshit and you know why? Because you are both wrong!

When you clowns grow up, please let me and the other sane members out there know so we can get back to sharing info that is useful to all. Nobody else cares about your hurt feelings so get over it.


Well said -- of course I don't own a busa either so guess I better bolt now..

#3 it any wonder nobody posts any relevant info about the Busa anymore? I'm sure you remember what happened the last time you innocently posted about the work done on your bike and how the stream degenerated.

It seems that posting such info, and personal opinions and even information that you think might help others, regardless of accuracy or source, or even just asking the question about something you would like to know about results in people going off the deep end. Let me just point out that this is not a barb intended for anyone in particular. In fact, if I were to direct it at anyone in particular it would not be the one(s) most would first think of.

This is the reason I no longer (or rarely) post anything here. It has nothing to do with my involvement with any other Club. I simply don't wish to be lambasted for showing a bit of interest.

I bought my bike to ride it. That's what I do. If I need work done on it, I'll take it where I think it will be best looked after. And if I need information, I'll seek it where I think I'll be best served. Unfortunately that isn't on this board, which is what I originally thought it would do. At least I have met other people who like to ride and share my passion for the Busa. So when they want to ride, I'll ride. And if they don't....I'll ride anyway. They can't take that away from me.
Yes Gazza sum it up pretty well.

Lets hope everyone has cleared the crap out of their systems and lets all get back to swapping info about what we all enjoy - the busa

I never did get much back on slick 50 or splitfire plugs????????????

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