Tuning and Dyno day
This is only a suggestion at the moment but can be developed as it comes closer to the day.

To show everyone I'm not a total arse hole(or any other words you can dream up) what about a free tuning and modification advice day at my workshop in Sydney, complete with free dyno runs and tuning on the day.

This can be done on a weekend, say over a Saturday or Sunday and if the interest is there maybe I can arrange a suspension guru to give some advice on setups for different conditions.

Numbers may be limited to say 15-20 and a deal on accomadation may even be able to be arranged.

If you are interested suggest a date and show your intention to come along and post a note here. If enough support is given more dates are possible, or even a similar deal in Victoria.

The only stipulation is that it is open to all busa owners, be that they are from this board or as some put it the other board. I will be posting this on the other site.

Regards Col.
Hi Col,

That's a very generous offer that you have made and I would like to be the first to express my interest in attending your workshop in Sydney. The weekends of the 9/10 of Dec. or 16/17th are fine for me, however I am flexible to any alternatives.


Unfortunately, between now and Feb, there is no way I could take a whole weekend off. Pity, as it would be a good excuse to get up there.
Sound like a great offer Col. If a date can be made that would great so i can see if i can make it.
Yep I'm in and will alert the other Sydney (and environs) Busa owners - thanks for the offer Col. I'm sure there will be a good turnout. :)

If you can leave an email address I'll get them to email you direct ...

I would be most interested to take up such an offer, to meet you and see your facilities - and even tune the beast. The ride would be a long one - but I'm sure it would be a good one as part of a group. I'll keep my eye on the dates - I seem to find it difficult to get away on certain occasions (something about a wife and kids!!!). Thanks for making the offer whether I can make it or not.
i agree with all the comments here so far, it is a most generous and welcome offer Col, thank you very much,,

i am putting my name on the list, subject to knowing the avialable dates,,
G'day one and all,

So from the response this looks a go. How about anyone interested e-mail me at tentenths@ozemail.com.au with a suggested date and I can average it out to be the most possible date for all. Once this is done I can respond to you with an agenda and time frame.

Thanks for the response,and I look forward to meeting you all. But please do remember this is open to all busa owners.

You see I'm a well balanced Australian, I hate everyone equally

Regards Col
I trhink it's a Melbourne thing Col. They're all crazy from the weather & lack of scenery

I'll just email the Sydney Busa owners and we'll arrange a date .. cant wait!


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