MORE LIES and MORE THREATS by Pete (Boss2)
Richard. Im am not trying to defend anyone here but merely stating a FACT. The other night I tried to log onto this board and was not able too. Seems ezyboard are having problems of their own. I even sent you an e-mail asking if you knew what the problem may have been .There was no reply. BUSA RULES
well phill that's about the 5th time you broke your word about not coming back here, but never mind as far as i'm concerned you are welcome here,,

i am not going to respond to your 'lets put boss on a pedestal implication' as there is no point, all the evidence clearly speaks for itself,,

but for your information: (AS IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW)

when i go to your board in the left 'AUTHOR' column where you see 'reply|edit|delete' i see 'YOU HAVE BEEN BANNED IN THIS EZBOARD' so even if i wanted to reply to any posts (which i don't), i am barred and so is richard, volvi and i don't know who else belonging to this board - BUT DON'T BOTHER TO CHANGE THAT ON MY BEHALF!

anyway phill, i have absolutely nothing against you in fact whilst we rode together i thought we got along pretty well, nothing i have said has been directed at you so i'm not sure why you have become an antagonist, all would have been better served if you and all those not involved, kept out if it altogether,,

concentrate on your club, your bike and riding with your group, i am sure that would be far more enjoyable,,

i am planning to go to sydney on Col's invitation so maybe i'll see you on the way there and we can smooth things out, i know my bike only has 160hp and yours has 177hp but despite that and my extra few kg, i'm sure i can give you a pretty good drag - thats if i ever get my bike back,,



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