Well, does it? It's just something that came to mind and I can't get rid of the thought. It came about since every time I hop back on the bike the fuel guage seems lower than when I stopped [yes, even when its level and rocked a bit.]
Then I considered how hot the Busa gets and even when its just sitting around with a hot chassis would that cause more evaporation?
Should I put some water in my tank so that it evaporates first and saves me fuel?
Just kidding
What tha? I think that outdoes my "how do you pronounce Hayabusa" question!! hah hah just kidding.
Next time open the tank cap and check fuel level with cigarette lighter.
This is not as silly as it sounds. I remember in the days of the castrol 6hour they used to put the fuel tank in the fridge before the start of the race so they could get max amount in tank.........So in future i suggest you rip the tank off when you stop and carry a portable fridge with you...The bus will pull it...ha,ha!
Ummmm,don't laugh 7777, BUT I actually have a small 8 can fridge that actally sits on the back of my Busa! The old style curved front, pull handle ones. Bought mine in HongKong recently brand new. It runs on 240 mains, or 12V, and is a fridge or heats up to 65c!! I might post a picture of it on the Busa if I find time! Peter
a fridge on the back of your hayabusa? now I have heard everything - and I am a criminal lawyer so that is saying something
Slong... If the rubber seal in the tank cap is buggered then it may evaporate pretty quickly.
I suggest using diesel as it evaporates at a much lower rate.
Im guessing the fridge is for the gold coloured fuel with bubbles?
G'day Slong, looks like you copped a few for posting this one, generally you will not notice any evaporation from your bike res unless your riding with some mates that pilot other breeds of bikes and are milking the Busa while you not watching to see why it motivates so well.
Good throttle control will conserve fuel "but why then; buy a Busa" 7.8ks to the litre is not hard to achive if feeling frisky...but hey....its a real pisser
Hey skuzz,
nothing wrong with a bit of a poking, I was asking more out of a niggling curiosity than from all out seriousness [hence the water comment].
Pretty funny to see someone has had a fridge on their bike.
I've been more than happy with the Busas fuel efficiency, 300ks or so on average is fine by me.
An esky that also heats! Hey aero, you got a microwave on there as well?
Well, sorta...... could wrap some al-foil over top of exhaust can and cook eggs and bacon afta a ride of a morning!!!!!!!!