G'day all,
Just thought I'd wish one and all a happy Australia day and a reminder that over zealous cops, bush fires and Harley riders aside, we live in a pretty decent country.
Take care everyone and watch it with the double demerits.
We sure live in the lucky country.
Spent Saturday and today on the Newcastle. Dungog, Gloucester, Walcha, Wauchope, Nabiac, Gloucester, Newcastle run.
Three events witht the local constabulary without any pain. Because of the double D's we concentrated on smooth and had a ball.
If there is better roads than these I have yet to find them in NSW.
If George W decides to give it to Saddam, I hope that it is for the right reasons, and not just to finish Dad's work!
With a bit of luck we can all live in the world with our own beliefs and in peace.
Australia, you bloody bueaty!
PS; Wine does that to you when dehydrated!
G'Day Poh,
I've heard a lot about the roads you mention, they've been in various posts etc over the last year or so but I've never been. However, good news... in March I've finally scamed some holidays so will be taking the back roads up to the bro's place in Coffs. From Sydney up the Putty to Tamworth and then across to Port, I think via the Walcha road. I'm going to check the map but it sounds brilliant and I can't wait. Should be cooler then to.
As for George W', they should have allowed old Stormin Normin to finish the task last time around, but as you say motives are the thing.