I'm going for a ride with a couple of mates Sunday 19 August 2001 weather permitting. Plans have yet to be finalised. A meeting point of Lygon St, then a ride to Kinglake West and possibly Yea looks on the cards. Let me know if you are interested. No bullshit. just ride! Regards Phil MFJ
I think that pretty much somes it up for me - sorry.
Sorry MJF, I'm working this weekend and can't make it either. Sounds good though, have fun.

Regards, Scott.
Unfortunately not able to attend as I get my brief back on 13/9........ after Mr Plod and Vic Roads decided 4 months sounded reasonable. I didn't think so but being a second rate citizen (comes inherently with riding a scooter) my opinion didn't seem to count for much. Seeya in 4 weeks. - regards Jim

P.S. FFG..... hope you had a good day yesterday.
Called off!:"> Lack of enthusiasm from Hayabusa riders. Let me know when the temperature and humidity is right for all you fair weather weekend riders and we might try again. (Or maybe not!) Whatever, Phil.
hi phil

don't be disheartened by the lack of interest as i'm sure its only the weather, although from past experience we have found that more of us are keener to ride on saturday rather than sunday - for whatever reasons and you gotta admit that as a ride/social weather always plays a role,,

so hopefully we will see you post further invitations and i for one will endeavor to join you,,

Thanks for the response Les. I'm not too sure about the Saturday thing. Do Hayabusa riders go to church on Sundays? (Not that there's any thing wrong with that.)
All going well, I'll be at the Plenty Rd turn off on the Western Ring Rd at 0930hrs Sunday. Then off to Kinglake West and beyond. Be there!
Live long and prosper. Cheers, Phil.
I have my little girl this weekend plus its going to rain I dont she would like sitting in the sidecar getting wet.GREG

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