Shop and verbal quotes
Alrighty - I might have let off steam too quickly... but unbenownst to me there was a Ventura handlebar in the box for 250cc road bike..nothing to do with me and since receipt just says "street bar chrome" I didn't realise what the hell it was, just thought "hmm won't go well with my black rack"

Bit annoyed having to sort this out as wife and I were heading to Nowra Sat AM for wedding. Anyways, Dennis at the CMC was helpful and apologetic about the blow out in cost which wasn't too bad ($38) once we realised the bar wasn't for me. Final price for Ventura L BKT + Ventura Pack Frame for GSX1300R = $218.40 with 10% discount.

(I'd made doubly sure I wasn't being hit for the surchage for no bag which is $44 - sold on the proviso I take out my bag label this week)

Moral of the story don't go off at your wife...profit saved and them some has to go on a big bunch of flowers to make up for my hissy fit at home Edited by: monyx at: 11/2/07 23:50
Hmm I think as far as quotes go (someone correct me if I am wrong) it has all the elements of a contract and are seen as such by the law even verbal ones. However, since Mrs Monyx paid the higher price it is seen as acceptance of the counter offer. Mr Tony advises to burn the shop down. Salutations

If you look like your passport photo, you probably need a holiday

Yep, you are right Trix. There is a whole heap of easily read guidelines here Fair Trading They are a pretty good guide. Note that 'I can get it cheaper somewhere else' isn't a valid response. Avoid it if you can. There is a whole heap of text on 'No refund' policies. I also noted that it says that a shop cannot refuse a refund if you can't produce a receipt (I know you didn't say that but i found it interesting), if it is evident that it was bought at that shop. (For example, if it has a price tag still on it). I didn't know that and have been told to piss off lots of times. I walked too, because I couldn't remember what I did with the receipt.
Just go to the other shop its only canberra 20/30min
Which shop screwed you Markus? we need to know. We'll make sure we don't do any business there. How about a slew of telephone calls? They may reconsider if they get bad press.


Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Grey Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
Markus did you take part of the tag from inside the bag with you as this sounds like the diference in price with having and not having tag dont blame shop just yet they probaly looked up price for rack but may not be aware of the surcharge venture place on there racks wich a refund of surcharge returned to them from ventura once they send the tag in if you need part of tag let me no and i will send you one give shop a call and see if they are aware of this and if not get them to ring ventura. REGARDS ROD
dont stress too much.
end of the day its just money.
but they should have honored their quote and that IS bad business.
See how many are reading this thread for instance.
what comes around goes around i say.

Z Web World
Mobile Dj, Web Design,Photography, Bullshit Artist!

"When you're feelin' down
When you feel
You need to get away
You can just fly away

I feel the world
Is going insane
If you feel the sun
You can just fly away."

Jean Claude Ades - Fly Away 2006 ...Try it.
[Edit repeated here after making somewhat ass of myself...still $38 over orig quote, but I can accept that]

Alrighty - I might have let off steam too quickly... but unbenownst to me there was a Ventura handlebar in the box for 250cc road bike..nothing to do with me and since receipt just says "street bar chrome" I didn't realise what the hell it was, just thought "hmm won't go well with my black rack"

Bit annoyed having to sort this out as wife and I were heading to Nowra Sat AM for wedding. Anyways, Dennis at the CMC was helpful and apologetic about the blow out in cost which wasn't too bad ($38) once we realised the bar wasn't for me. Final price for Ventura L BKT + Ventura Pack Frame for GSX1300R = $218.40 with 10% discount.

(I'd made doubly sure I wasn't being hit for the surchage for no bag which is $44 - sold on the proviso I take out my bag label this week)

Moral of the story don't go off at your wife...profit saved and them some has to go on a big bunch of flowers to make up for my hissy fit at home
woops there goes the money you saved to buy some flowers REGARDS ROD

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