are us and aussie bikes the same ?
with regards to emmisions and do they comply with Federal motor vehicle safety standards (FMVSS)?

Do any of your bikes have a certification label that says FMVSS?

thanks ALOT
Australian delivered bikes comply with Australian Design Rules which from memory are a bit different from US rules in area's like exhaust emissions, lights etc. For instance Australian bikes have a requirement for the headlight to come on via the ignition switch & don't have a separate on/off switch
and no FMVSS label...
Not entirely correct about the headlight coming on with the ignition and not having a seperate on/off, as the Aprilia has a seperate on/off that won't come on with the ignition - but what can you expect from something as contrary as an Italian bike! Dave
Never mind the emissions, bikes to Australia as I understand it are around 164 HP for stock standard as against the 152 they swoon over in the states. Am told the chips are different, that was the case for 99 and 2000 models, not sure about later ones.
My Busa's headlight works thru the ignition s/w like every other busa here & doesn't have a separate on/off s/w so that's all that matters to me

Italian electrics and they still hang shit on poor old Joseph Lucas, the Prince of Darkness


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