Another one rides the Busa
Hi all from Tazzie.........
Long time visitor, and thought its about time I registered.
After many months of annoying my wife with comments about the site and how great it would be to get a Busa......
My wife finaly has enough of my persistant nagging and said "get one and shut up will you!!!"
So I did
Its a 2005 red black Stock and new (love my BRB..Big red Bike)
Ive almost finished the grill mods and picked up my ventura rack and bag so I can take the mrs away for Loooong weekends.
Hope to meet you in person one day and from what I've read on the site you are a nice bunch.

BRB's rule!
"riding, not posting... as much"
congratulations. enjoy on the best roads for bikes in oz....tassie
Well, I'm glad to see some reverse nagging going on ! Its a credit to you.

What a bloody lucky bloke.... he's got a compliant wife (well, at least she responds to nagging and begging), he's got a busa and he lives amongst some of the best bike roads in Oz ! Mate, we should come down and visit you !!

Welcome aboard ! Another red / black.... pan and Busgo will be thrilled ! That colour scheme seems to be taking over.

Must be busa month - we've had more new members in that time than cooked meals ! Great stuff The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob
good to see that you got the fast red/black busa .sorry volvi but most of the road surfaces in tassie are bloody awful
salamanda way along coast comes to mind and elephant pass.
Should haved saved the extra for one of the fast Copper ones

Enjoy and take care
Cheers Robert
Aren't all 'busas Copper, the others are just copy 'busas!!!!!
Welcome aboard Tassie dude. Bruce

See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.
Banjo Paterson

Welcome to the club Taz.
Have fun while the sun shines down there buddy.

Some of us may be making a trip to tas around early September, leading up to the MotoGP.


I'm not using it anyway!
Thanks for the warm welcome folks.
And unfortunately I'd have to agree about the state of many of the roads down under Downunder.
The major highways and arterial roads are pretty good, although even the Brooker highway is getting a bit the worse for ware.
But saying that the roads don’t bother me I still ride the Busa with a H@$d on (That was Mrs. Taz comment lol)
If you guys are heading down this way I'd be happy to put on a BBQ and although the house isn’t huge we could find somewhere to stash any bodies that pass out.
I'll supply the meat you provide your ale of choice.

Regards Taz
Welcome Taz... Regards

My pride and joy
Wasnt that a Queen Song?

Maybe I should have said "Wasnt it a Song by Queen?"

Anotherone rides the bus.
And anotherone gone, and anotherone gone.
Anotherone rides the bus.

Sorry guys getting late.

Arh yeah welcome Taz

Shayne Edited by: aBUSa at: 29/3/06 7:28 am
Feel the force. ANGGI

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