Fat Busa Racing 1347
I was thinking about this the other day. What would you do if you could do it again.
1 Buy the same bike ( BUSA or ? )
2 Build it or mod it different
3 Have it for another use eg: track work or drag work or
every day ride
For me I'd have just gone a gas kit and and an arm and have
some fun just like that.............
Just wanted to find out what you all are thinking
Regards Richard
it make no difference what you do with it or to it. its all about the ride mate
I would've got my cam chain tensioner repaired and NOT listened to Suzuki in Melbourne!
"riding, not posting... as much"
Big call Richard are you regretting the 1397 already. Bruce
See here, young man, from Walgett to the sea,
From Conroy’s Gap to Castlereagh, there’s none can ride like me.
Banjo Paterson
So Spondon unless we see a B-King.
I do have to do it again. I'm gonna do the same as last time.... screen, cans, carbon fibre tank protector and polished wheels.... and my first one had a centre-stand and it was just so bloody handy... so one of those as well.
Then I'd like to continue with the plan I had for my first one - suspension upgrade, braided brake lines and bling - all chrome. This time around I'll probably go with a seat like Rev and Gdy have and leave the stock screen on - I've got a feeling that combo works well.
I'll leave the motor stock. Never had an issue with the donk - pulled strong. Never felt the need to modify it. The thing I miss the most is the stomp. Its addictive. Gets into your blood.
The only thing I'd do differently would be NOT TO sell the bloody thing to help pay out my fuggin divorce settlement. The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob
Fat Busa Racing 1347
I think I sould have just stayed in G3 Bruce, and may be run dial your own ( Mod Bike ) but now I have started I know I want more......1500+ then I know I can blow the A/SB index out of the water........... ....But to just have some fun at the strip stock motor and NO2 and an arm would have bin fine. We don't have an ANDRA track up here and Mackay is the next track from us ( about 800ks round trip ) so it can be a bit of a push to get to as many comp bike rounds as you can. There is a lot of racing for Mod bike but I like the group 2 racing and I hope that is were I hope to stay . But if was not an issue I'd have Turbo bike for the street and a race bike for the strip ( A/SB Busa ).......
Regards Richard.......................