ok, i got this problem,
my german mate left this message on my bike and he won't tell me what it says.. i know one or two of you know german... any help ?
"mein Minimoke tritt Sie Arsch"
i think it maybe about my bike, but not sure..
Bling Parts Australia
My pride and joy
Not a direct translation, but the meaning is... "My minimoke kicks your arse".
(Although he uses the word for "steps" which I've assumed should have been 'kicks').
You could respond with....
Mein Hayabusa ißt minimokes zum Frühstück und scheißt Gehenkarren bis zum Mittagessenzeit
which loosely means "My Hayabusa eats minimokes for breakfast and shits go-carts by lunch time"
Ihr minimoke könnte nicht mein Hayabusa sich verfangen, also ist mein Arsch ziemlich sicher. Sie sollten anstatt, mich durchzubrennen ein Kuß, während ich weg in den Abstand verschwinde - so mindestens haben Sie meinen Arsch geküßt.
which means... "Your minimoke could not catch my Hayabusa, so my arse is quite safe. You should instead, blow me a kiss as I disappear off into the distance - so at least you will have kissed my arse."
The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... RobEdited by: AstroBusa at: 19/3/06 4:08 pm
bwaaaaha ha ha .. my mate has a mini moke - silver one. i should have known, he always gives me sh*t..
I'll pass them on to him..
you know your german language Regards
Bling Parts Australia
My pride and joy
I'd love to take the credit, but I can't. I use Babel Fish, which is a site that does conversions to/from a lot of languages.
I'm an Aussie born Sicilian, so German isn't exactly my first language (mind you, neither is Italian). I've got some friends currently living in Germany who like to send me emails in German, so I have to translate them - then I send my replies back in either Greek or Russian (to return the favour !)
The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob
ha ha, awesome.. now i can communicate with my english speaking german friend in german now...
i'll keep this a secret from him.. he'll think i've learn't german over night..
just hope he doesn't ask me to speak it...
Bling Parts Australia
My pride and joy
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Strikes again.
Now where was that restaurent?
I'm not using it anyway!
Milliways... the restaurant at the end of the universe !!! The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob