Poster I found on Google
Mrs Garbo here,
I will also learn how to post pics for a thread like that.
You may have started something here.
Linda. Regards
Mrs Tony here
I had no idea this would get such a reaction. Ah what the hell. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
Start an eye-candy page for the girls. After all this club is EEO club is it not???(or is that EIEIO).

I think I might have to get my own login. Would not look good for Mr Tony to have postings of piccys of guys now would it.

See the Miscellaneous Photos , For your viewing pleasure
Edited by: tonyburgess660 at: 21/8/06 9:43 pm
Whoa. Have you ever walked into a room and felt not welcome. It is like busting those chicks from Charmed stirring up a cauldron.
Sorry Glen
We are moving our cauldrons and potions to the Misc Photos. Just let me grab that bottle of eye of newt

Hey, Mrs Tony, about time you get your own handle!!! Every time you post, I start thinking that Mr Tony has some non-mainstream views, until I get to the bottom and see "Mrs Tony"....
Yup. Done now the confusion can stop. Mr Tony will be so pleased I have my own loggin. He was wondering why he was getting funny looks from the boys at meetings


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