Does every Busa vibrate @ around the 4200rpm mark or is it just mine, not bad but noticable (it's only 4 weeks old).

Let me know, Ta Skuzzbutt <i></i>
Yeah, mine (2000 model) does that although I didn't notice it until I had heavy duty springs installed in the clutch so I assume it's coming from there.

Another guy at work has just bought a new one and he gets the same vibe at 140km/h (I'm fairly sure that's about 4,200 revs in 6th). <i></i>
G'day Guys,
I wouldn't be worrying too much about that 4,000 rpm vibe. I beleive that all in-line 4 cylinder engines have a harmonic vibration at similar revs.
If you want to experience vibration take a test ride of the new R1 !!

Have fun on the Busa. <i></i>
Yo Guys, my 2001 Busa has the vibration between 4-5000 revs. Standard on all bikes I believe. Being a mechanic myself, I know that all engines have a harmonic vibe at somepoint (exaxtly what Old Cahn said). It's just how the frame and engine mounts are designed and manufactured to reduce the noticable effect. Some feel it thru their gearbox, thus noticablely more on l/h footpeg!

Glad you're rapt in your Busa Skuzz-Butt & welcome to the Crew! <i></i>
Yes, all Busas around that rev range. I thought it had something to do with the balance shaft becoming in sinc at that rev speed with something else that is spinning, therefore creating the vibtration.
Some reading will tell you that an aftermarket exhaust will reduce it, but I don't believe it did when I put my exhaust on. <i></i>
Well it is confirmed that the vibration is a harmonic thing and nothing to worry about (as a reply by Suzuki Australia), the interesting thing is if you creep up on to the 4,200 RPM or around 138 in top you hit the calm before the storm and the bike is silky smooth, the problem is (well not really a problem), but I pass through this rev range with the pace of a "boat person with a Mc Donalds voucher"...!!!

First service yesterday now it's ready to roll..."bring on the weekend"

Skuzzbutt <i></i>
the balance of a 4 cylinder engine can be changed by rebalancing the crank during design. it can't be eliminated, just moved around. most similar motorcycle engines vibrate a little at this point to ensure it is smoother at all other points in its rev range........... I think!! <i></i>

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