HELP NEEDED! Has anyone installed a chrome gauge cluster on a Gen 1 before?
Bought this thinking it would be straight forward. Not sure how to go about mounting it though
Cluster has no lenses, so I'd have to use my originals. Does anyone know if they are removable?
Back of the cluster has no mounting points for screws or other point (blinkers, neutral light, button, etc...)

[Image: 20151207_205741_zps4b2xgpd9.jpg]

[Image: 20151207_205736_zpse4brc6gw.jpg]

[Image: 20151207_205726_zpsqfhx5akg.jpg]

[Image: 20151207_205736-1_zpsspm0c97a.jpg]

[Image: 20151207_205726-1-1_zpsfnozwijq.jpg]

[Image: 20151207_205726-1_zpsbctuniqy.jpg]

Anyone done it before?
I only ride as fast as my angel can fly.(A Blue Angel)
Thanks HB. Definitely doesn't fit over it. Got me confused!
(08-12-2015, 08:51pm)pan Wrote: Thanks HB. Definitely doesn't fit over it. Got me confused!

Stock Mate they normally push of stick over the top, push harder
Figured it out with lots of help from an ISHOC member on Facebook who was kind enough to upload a video of how to do it.

I had not noticed, but there are two little screws facing the front of the gauge assembly. You remove them and slowly lever off the cover, using a flat head screw driver, carefully and patiently. The chrome cover goes straight on. Easy, when you know how. Took about 5 minutes.

[Image: 20151209_210653_zpsoxregumw.jpg]

[Image: 20151209_210716_zpsg7wmcs2t.jpg]

Use flat head screwdriver here...
[Image: 20151209_210745_zpspjfbprlk.jpg]

Slowly and patiently lever the cover off
[Image: 20151209_210807_zpss1q9lcxw.jpg]

...leaving the lenses intact

[Image: 20151209_210848_zpsnhnqumrg.jpg]

Then the chrome cover fits on easily
[Image: 20151209_210911_zpsjhasi0ne.jpg]
I thought you might have worked that out...

carefully screwing the foundation, gentle manipulation and leverage of whats known and PRESTO.. a new outlook presented to the world lol

congrates on getting it done without to many swear words and cracks (mmm is that like being on the couch too?)
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!

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