Smoother gearshifts
Hi Guys,
There have been some comments on the forum ( including me ) from guys with Gen 2 experiencing less than smooth gearshifts especially 1-2 & 5-6.
While it does seem to get better with more kays I came across this simple mod that really made an improvement for me.

I can't take credit for this - I thought I read it on this forum but I can't find it.
The bolt that attaches the gear lever to the shaft doesn't go all the way through & as a result there is a small amount of freeplay there.
I removed that bolt & replaced with one 10mm longer and inserted from the top side with a locknut.

That's all there is to it. Give it a try - costs bugger all & made for far more positive shifts for me.

Ok, I'll suss it out. I do miss a gear every now and then and that could well be it hey.
Funny how we bother to change plugs and mount radiator guards and all the other stuff but rarely bother to check the little things.

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