Have you ever wondered.........
What would happen if you actually clicked onto those PhotoBucket wood duck messages like :

"An error has occurred in your computer, click here for free scan "

"There are 3 messages waiting for you, click here "
Someone somewhere would get paid a quarter of a cent for the click count and re-direct.

You'd get redirected to some overpoweringly stupendous web-page that offers you something you'll become convinced you desperately need... for free. You download it and during the install they tell you it's only free for a short while. But you need to provide your credit card details up front regardless. In the meantime another tracking cookie is etched onto your hard drive opening the door for a whole bunch of internet opportunists to annoy the crap out of you or include your web meanderings in their tacky little global surfing treads survey.


They offer you a free membership to their messaging site as long as you register and agree to recieve 8 gazzillion marketing emails from their sponsors per week.

Either way, you get had without leaving the comfort of your desk chair.

Luckily, I know you're much too canny to get suckered like that Rev. The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob
Oh... I forgot this...

The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob
Thought it might be something like that

Good explanation Astro
i just went and done the scan your computer for vires found i used old laptop i dont use any more it scaned my laptop and said i had 526 problems it then asked if it would like me to fix these problems to make you computer run much faster sound to good to be true so why not hit the yes button after a couple of minutes it said sorry we could only repair 237 of your files you will need to purchase full edition to repair rest whoops here come can we have your creditcard please so that is a scam to buy there security software or to get your credit card details or probaly both.
They want you to buy.

Download the free stuff (ZoneAlarm, SpywareBlaster, SpyBot, AntiVir and Ad-Aware) instead. They do the same job, for free.

They each have a "Commercial" version and a basic version. Stick with the basic versions. Set ZoneAlarms security level to LOW.

You can get all of these from www.majorgeeks.com or from www.tucows.com.

The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob
Even better than that,
Just keep your Windows Security updating automatically and run and configure a quality Internet Security service such as Trend or Symantec.
Then don't subscribe to freeware and you will never have to worry.


I'm not using it anyway!

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