cylinder head cleaning perth
Hi all does anyone know a good place to get a head cleaned up? My head is pretty dirty with build up that I can't seem to clear by hand. Was thinking some like the ultra sonic cleaning or the like just figured I'd get it done while it's off. Thanks guys

Tried soaking in WD40 over night then use pressure cleaner?
BATFINK (aka Tony)


GOD gave us a mind to use.........

Suzuki gives us a reason to loose it!!!!
Don't have a pressure cleaner but I have tried soaking in various substances including wd40 to no avail. My biggest problem is getting into the tight areas with my brush ti clean

(26-05-2013, 03:42pm)Dan85 Wrote: Don't have a pressure cleaner but I have tried soaking in various substances including wd40 to no avail. My biggest problem is getting into the tight areas with my brush ti clean

Dan I have a 1/2 Decent Pressure Cleaner, I know that I'm at the other end of the World but we should be able to work something out..

If you need done sooner then PM Camel he will know for sure where to go..

When do you head back and or when are you back next or aren't you back yet...????


rev im home every weekend mate and a long weekend every second. fly back tomorrow and then home thursday night! woohooo short week for me. Ive been ebaying and im almost tempted to buy my own ultrasonic cleaner big enough for the head about $650.

(26-05-2013, 09:29pm)Dan85 Wrote: rev im home every weekend mate and a long weekend every second. fly back tomorrow and then home thursday night! woohooo short week for me. Ive been ebaying and im almost tempted to buy my own ultrasonic cleaner big enough for the head about $650.

Dan I'm working the next 2 weekends so if you haven't got anything done by mid June let me know and we'll organise a quick run for me to bring the pressure cleaner up.
yeah no worries sounds good mate. ill see how i go. heading to townsville on the 7th to celebrate my mate being castrated. i dont think ill be fit to do anywork on the bike for at least a few weeks after that hahaha

Hi Dan,

Elbow grease. There is no magic solution. Believe me, I've tried for decades. I use a wide selection of brushes (tooth, paint, stipple (cut down paint brushes), wire), scouring pads, pipe cleaners, bottle cleaners, wire buffing wheels, little picks, modified screwdrivers, copper scrapers, etc to mechanically clean aluminium cases/heads/barrels/covers, etc. usually with kero or turps. Sometimes I use cheap degreasers but I find the quality varies and sometimes the pricks add caustic without saying so. Leaves cast aluminium looking grey. Then I use dishwashing detergent with hot water followed by a thorough rinse with rainwater. Then I use old towels to soak up the bulk of the water, followed by a good send off with compressed air and some time in the WA sun to leave it bone dry. If there's steel involved I usually give a light spray with kero or WD40 if I'm feeling exceptionally well-off (that's not often).

That will get it looking spanky.

Most other techniques used these days don't get the aluminium looking anywhere near as good as my thorough scrubbing sessions. Not unless you invest in a big ultrasonic cleaner. But then they lack the personal touch.


look up soda blasting
u just need some bi carb, an air compressor
plastic hose and an air nozzle, works really well
especially getting into areas that a brush cant get into,
also works well for cleaning dirty spark plugs and
cleaning up alloy, ive been using it for years.
08 gen 2 grey
Hey pete. I've had a look and can only seem to find info on the big blaster units can you tell me how you set yours up or do you have a link? Cheers

Dan, heres a link to a pic,

I cant find the other link I was wanting to post,

but the pic is pretty much self explainetry.

super cheap auto sell sand blasters that work similar
but the home made 1 is much cheaper and works better imo.

just becareful not to let any over spray get on any polished
08 gen 2 grey

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