What happened to the "Jokes' thread. I'll start
A man died and went to Heaven. As he stood in front of the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him. He asked 'What are those clocks?'.

St. Peter replied 'Those are "Lie-Clocks". Everyone on Earth has a Lie-Clock. Whenever you lie, the hands on the clock move. This one here is Mother Teresa's. The hands h...ave never moved so she has never lied. That one over there is Abraham Lincoln's. It moved twice, so he only lied twice in his whole life.'

'Well, where's Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillards clock?' asked the man.

'It's in my office said St Peter, I'm using it as a ceiling fan'.
People are like turtles....... you don't move forward unless you stick your neck out!! Boobies4
Clap Lol3 Clap
Yes my favourite subject .. Jokes

A guy is talking to a girl in the club ..
"You remind me of my little toe", he says
"Why", she replies .. "Because I'm small and cute"
"No", he answers .. "Because I'll probably bang you on the coffee table tonight when Im drunk" ..
Oh dear....it's all downhill from here folks!!!
Found it and made it a sticky
[Image: Resizeofbusa005.jpg] REGARDS ROD
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I seen that joke before, originally written about Kevin Krudd, although, Gillard's probably got a strap on so she can give Penny Wong a meat injection.

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