Suspension Settings
As the settings posted on Peter Lee's site our club host;

taken from;

Preload 2.5 lines showing
Compression Out 2 clicks
Rebound Out 2 clicks
Preload 1.25inches of sag
Compression Out 5 clicks
Rebound Out 7 clicks

Les and I did this exercise, which made considerable difference to the overall handling of the bike. Factory settings appear to be far too soft. So give it a shot and if you require further assistance just yell out.

Let us know how it feels for you after you've made the adjustments. <i></i>
The above settings were for riders no heavier than 175pounds, or 79kgs. Does anyone here know how you would change those settings for a 92kg rider (me)?
-Guy <i></i>

suspension settings are very much a personal preference thing, so you do have to experiment till you find the settings that best suit your riding style,,

btw, i weigh much more than you and i found those settings excellent,,

It really is amazing how different those settings feel from standard. I did the back first, but left the preload unchanged. This made a small difference if any at all.

The front on the other hand is completely different. The feeling is stiffer, but it is not a rougher ride. It just seems to absorb the bumps more quickly, but doesn't vibrate you to death.

I took it up and down Mt White a few times today and even had it airborne at one stage (by accident). Felt fine. I can tell it will feel even better on the track though.

I am still buggered if I know anything about suspension, these settings are good.


hi guy,

glad to hear that those suspension settings proved successful for you as well,,

i got my bike from suzuki on friday after the cct collapsed a few weeks ago, so on saturday i went for a hoon down the great ocean road past lorne and had a chance to really try out the new suspension settings through the twisties and it handled like a charm, i have just re-invented my busa as a "sports extraordinare" forget your r1's,,


How is the 1.25 inches of sag measured? <i></i>
Volvi, I tried out those settings and the bike feels much better, especially with the front preload done. Tho - I did soften the front rebound and compression by 1 click each afterwards due to being too hard. EXCELLENT AND THANX !! Suspension is a tricky thing and if anyone else and any special settings please post them and I would like to try them.

Scott, the rear sag measurement is carried out by putting bike on centre stand or raising rear wheel off ground, and then letting it settle back onto wheels and measuring difference in height of shocker spring with you sitting on it......I think?? ...Now my friend is unsure... anyone really know?

Cheers, Peter <i></i>
How do I get this to the new part of the board? Maybe to the tyre section? Peter <i></i>
Thanks Volvi for those settings, i had the std settings before, it feels heaps better so far also heaps smoother on mono landings. Regards Robert pulling more monos <i></i>

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