Who's running road 3's
I'm about to put new rubber on and want to know who's running the new michy road 3's and what do they think of them so far?

I'm tossing up between then and the pures...
I have a PR3 on the front of my K6. No issues so far for me. I will be putting a PR3 on the back when the current tyre is due.

I know others with different makes of bikes who ride harder than I do and they have not reported an issues

Busdriver (aka Les)
I have a few mates with gen 2's and the have them on and swear by them, once I'm back on the road after my acco I'll be putting them on. Few weeks left...


Have a look at the new Diablo Rosso Corsa,mate has them and he rides very hard ,does track days on them as well and loves them. Ill be getting them in the next couple of weeks Ill let you know what I think.

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