Fake Pazzo's
Thread has gone too far, locking it down for the weekend. PM me if anyone wants this opened.
Thread has gone too far, locking it down for the weekend. PM me if anyone wants this opened.
Well done some of you, youve succeeded in blowing off another vendor who is only offering some specials to the club and his advice or expertise on some merchandise after all he deals with them on a daily basis you dont. Either way its your loss not his. He has asked me to remove his sub category as he will no longer be offering anything to members here. He has asked me to de-register him from our forum but as usual practise I never do that on the heat of the moment of request, for the while I will leave him registered should he wish to come back anytime, but I wouldnt hold my breath for it after the way some of you have treated him.
[Image: SigPic100.jpg] Copper/Silver - The original, the rest are just copies.

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