The BUSA BASH - Confirmed Attendance List

G'day Busa Bashers, the confirmed attendance list for "The 2010 Tathra Beach Busa Bash" is as follows.....


If your name is NOT on this list yet and you are DEFINATELY coming and have booked or will be booking your accommodation soon......
>>>> RING OR TEXT ME ON 0419 292 632 ASAP <<<<

If your name IS on this list and your plans have CHANGED and you are now NOT coming......
>>>> RING OR TEXT ME ON 0419 292 632 ASAP <<<<

01- Greeny_SA [Peter]
02- Madmax [Mark]
03- CeeJay07 [Craig]..............+ Kylie
04- Heidi1 [Heidi]
05- frank_OH! [Franko]
06- Fifi_Sutho [Fiona]
07- simmo [Robert]...............+ Mal (MK)
08- BLACKZOOK [Bruce]
09- motoplast [Tex].............+ Bundy
10- 1ArmedBandit [Jenn]
11- Large Aussie [Brendon].......+ Chrissy
12- donovandon100 [Donovan]....+ Corey; Andrew; Shawn; Nicholas; Delysia
13- 09sydrd [Nigel]
14- Coach [James]..................+ 2 mates
15- big b [Mark]
16- RYDRZ [Corbin]
17- islanddrift [Rod]
18- BUSABAZZ [Barry]
19- King62 [John]
20- moshy_7 [Paul]..............+ Lee
21- black13 [Paul]
22- bazman [Paul]...............+ Alicia; Rod[aka wogboy]; Frank
23- wayneb60 [Wayne]............+ Karen; Phil
24- Dale [Dale]
25- vitto [Steve]...............+ Aaron
26- Ruffy [John]................+ Lisa
27- Cleallo [Robert]
28- Ward P [Ward]................+ Cathy; 1 offspring
29- rjw3105 [Richard]
30- Busanova [Gerry].............+ Julie
31- kawasuki [Ray]
32- spamanglenn [Glenn]
33- Red-Haya [George].............+ Michael
34- Triffstar [Nathan]
35- Timmy_O_Tool [Tim]
36- hawkwind [Gary]
37- john [John]

Progressive Total:

37 club members; 22 partners or mates; and 1 furry friend!

***Please Note***
If any of your personal details are incorrect or inaccurate in any way....please contact me via PM or on the mobile number below to amend...

Looking forward to seeing & riding & partying with all of you very soon at "The Busa Bash"!!!

keep it fun,
bazman (Paul)
ph: 0419 292 632
....and another Bump

It's NEVER too late to come to "The Busa Bash"......any more takers?????

(05-11-2010, 01:23pm)bazman Wrote:

G'day Busa Bashers, the confirmed attendance list for "The 2010 Tathra Beach Busa Bash" is as follows.....


If your name is NOT on this list yet and you are DEFINATELY coming and have booked or will be booking your accommodation soon......
>>>> RING OR TEXT ME ON 0419 292 632 ASAP <<<<

If your name IS on this list and your plans have CHANGED and you are now NOT coming......
>>>> RING OR TEXT ME ON 0419 292 632 ASAP <<<<

01- Greeny_SA [Peter]
02- Madmax [Mark]
03- CeeJay07 [Craig]..............+ Kylie
04- Heidi1 [Heidi]
05- frank_OH! [Franko]
06- Fifi_Sutho [Fiona]
07- simmo [Robert]...............+ Mal (MK)
08- BLACKZOOK [Bruce]
09- motoplast [Tex].............+ Bundy
10- 1ArmedBandit [Jenn]
11- Large Aussie [Brendon].......+ Chrissy
12- donovandon100 [Donovan]....+ Corey; Andrew; Shawn; Nicholas; Delysia
13- 09sydrd [Nigel]
14- Coach [James]..................+ 2 mates
15- big b [Mark]
16- RYDRZ [Corbin]
17- islanddrift [Rod]
18- BUSABAZZ [Barry]
19- King62 [John]
20- moshy_7 [Paul]..............+ Lee
21- black13 [Paul]
22- bazman [Paul]...............+ Alicia; Rod[aka wogboy]; Frank
23- wayneb60 [Wayne]............+ Karen; Phil
24- Dale [Dale]
25- vitto [Steve]...............+ Aaron
26- Ruffy [John]................+ Lisa
27- Cleallo [Robert]
28- Ward P [Ward]................+ Cathy; 1 offspring
29- rjw3105 [Richard]
30- Busanova [Gerry].............+ Julie
31- kawasuki [Ray]
32- spamanglenn [Glenn]
33- Red-Haya [George].............+ Michael
34- Triffstar [Nathan]
35- Timmy_O_Tool [Tim]
36- hawkwind [Gary]
37- john [John]

Progressive Total:

37 club members; 23 partners or mates; and 1 furry friend!

***Please Note***
If any of your personal details are incorrect or inaccurate in any way....please contact me via PM or on the mobile number below to amend...

Looking forward to seeing & riding & partying with all of you very soon at "The Busa Bash"!!!

keep it fun,
bazman (Paul)
ph: 0419 292 632


Grand Total: 61
(37 members, 22 partners/friends, and 1 SuPeR DoG!!) this our FULL party list??? Have I forgotten anyone??? Is anyone else coming that hasn't officially informed us (i suspect there could be about 4-5 in this group)???

Come on's PaRtY TiMe!!!!! And it's NEVER too late to decide to make it to


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