Casual 'Busa meeting @ P.I.
G'day Guys, as per last year, a meet & greet for fellow AHC members and lovers of the 'Busa at the "Euphoria" cafe ( main drag of Cowes)7pm Friday 15th Oct 2010.
If u see Bundy's 'Busa parked on the footpath next to the Cafe, come over & say hello!.
Tex & Bundy & Jen.
Everybody dies, not Everybody lives !!
There is no substitute for grunt !!
Every boy needs more than one toy !!

I'll see you there, Tex....Pi_thumbsup (might even have a bundy or two wid yaDrool)

see if we can beat last years record turn-out of >>>>> 4!?!?!?! lol

Loafie, Vellaterra, wayneb60, donovandon100, lucky 85, daeff, etc......

>>>>>>>>>> HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THREAD??????????????? lol
Yes Baz and got your 3 texts Lol3[/size]
[Image: photo3.jpg]
Couldn't miss em!
Will try and make it. Down with a group so will see how it pans out.
nemesis and i will be there also.not sure if we are taking the bikes but will do our best to come say hi
i will try to make it there, no promises tho
100000kms in 23 months, not too bad
I will be there if I can find the place had a look last night but could not see it. The trip over was good except for the weather I think it followed us over (sorry about that). Met the state cops on the way over and contributed $235 to the ball for crossing double lines but it was questionable if we did do it or not. Hopefully see you guys tonight.

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