Scorpio alarm batteries for remote unit
I remember a few of you mentioned the batteries only last 3 or 4 weeks. Mine's been going for 7 weeks now. I went to Melbourne last week, came home, checked the alarm and it works fine. The remote unit still shows 100% battery strength.

Did I just score some super-dooper batteries when I bought the kit or what?
"sometimes crime does pay"<i>Edited by: pan&nbsp; at: 17/9/06 11:23 pm
probably been in the off position hehe, im on my fourth already, I switched to rechargables 2 batts ago. <i></i>
There isn't an off position though!?!
We may be on to something here...

Here's my understanding of it:

In this position you can lock the key pad

...but if you hold button 4 down for a little longer when locking it you reach the "screen saver mode" that displays time, battery strength, yet still works to warn you if the bike alarm is triggered...

Is the second one what you call the "off position"?
The second one is what I've been using for 7 weeks!

"sometimes crime does pay"<i></i>
well was sorta kidding about being off. seems tho perhaps the 'screensaver' position may save some battery, I havent tried it and now that my batts are re-chargeable probably dont matter now. otherwise you got the muther of all batteries <i></i>
Ruffy told me about the screen saver mode.

I'll let you know when my batteries DO eventually die, but if that's the case it would still make sense for us to use the screen saver mode. Heck, it's lasted better than double the time so far, and it still shows full! <i></i>

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