99 busa rear brake problem help.
99 busa rear break problem i have a problem with my rear brake on my 1999 busa the pedal keeps fading i bleed the air out and its fine for while then the brake lines seen to have air in them againg and i have bleed them againg so thay work.
i have replaced the fluid with new stuff but seans some how air is getting into the lines and the brakes dont work againg. i have found no leaks etc. seems to be after its been not used for few days.

has any one else come across this problem???
Maybe consider replacing the seals on the Master and Slave cylinders.
i had the same problem on my gen 1 until i realised that the rear brake has 2 bleed off valves, this will cause the problem you are having, if you are bleeding off from 1 valve only.
[Image: 583b3abf-1.jpg]
also crack the banjo on the back of the master cyl, its an area thats difficult to remove air from via the normal bleed ports,
same applies to the front brake and clutch master cyls if you can get it bled ok but not great , usually there is some trapped air in the banjo's
ive found the 2nd bleeder on the rear slave cylnder i have re flushed and bleed all air out ill see how it go s now.
Keep us posted on the result
looking good so far.

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