Life of a Busa Clutch
Is there an approximate life expectancy of a Standard Busa clutch?
I am fast approaching 80,000ks and the clutch still appears to be in top shape. The BTL is still standard.

I don't normally give the clutch a hard time but its the sort of job I would rather get done before I NEED to.

I'm not using it anyway!<i></i>
I'm with you on this. Mine is fast approaching 100,000km, and appears to still be okay, but I'm beginning to worry. <i></i>
If it aint broke.......

Anyway, the clutch will give you ample warning of any impending "doom" by slipping first but not failing completely.

If you go to overtake someone in top gear & the revs rise out of proportion to your road springs & plates needed....until then....forget about it

If you're still nervous about it measure the stack height or get your mechanic to do it

I finally got around to up rating my 99 clutch to later specs by fitting the late model plate spacers & new barnett springs.
It launches real good now, no more weird noises from the clutch pack
The Reverand has spoken.
Thanks mate.


I'm not using it anyway!<i></i>
I know it's okay at the moment, because pricey stuff only goes wrong on the bike when I don't have any money to fix it. That'll be the girl's birthday, then. <i></i>
hmm i know one that went after 900 ks everyone remember that 1 I think it is up to how you have ridden the bike but hey there is always cheesecake in Suzuki Cheers Bill

The Blingaholic

Nearly 90 000 klms..................

Not slipping, but the clutch would only engage about 10 mm from fully out.

Full replacement SWEET!!! <i></i>
mines just done 2000kms and is sweeeet .. Regards

My pride and joy<i></i>
Have Grant you have to get it up in the rev range and ride

the BLOODY thing to give it a hard time ..............

But getting back to the topic on hand and not putting shit on

Grant......mine has done a lot of work and has had the death

floged out of it at a number of Drag meets and never gave me

any issues 60+ ks and about 3 1/2 tears at the strip all at the

same time

Regards Richard.............................. <i></i>

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