whats on kevs ONE HD tonite
hey there guys im right into my new set top box an my fave channel is ONE HD last nite was good i watched the isle man TT an it was awsome straight after that was ASBK so i stayed up to watch that straight after that live from some where is europe was the world championship helicopters now that was interesting lol,

now tonite at about 11pm i flicked on the get ready to watch the 2nd half of the isle man TT an what was on really blew me aways it was the NPBL now i here you all ask what is NPBL well it is the (national painball leauge) yes thats correct lol so i watched the hole hour of it an i must say that maericans are really weird people there was to teams tonite an it was the grand finals lol team names are los-angales infamous V the san diago dynasty LMFAO these guys are the same guys you see at a si-fi convention lol hehehe so thats what was on big kev's TV tonite

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