for the hunters out there
XXX Wrote:[Image: Hogzilla.jpg]

this one should clear things up a bit lol

[Image: MonsterRabbit.jpg]

UNO i shot a farker like that years ago, after having some mushrooms(gold) on toast.

And this what i used

[img][Image: Styer460.jpg][/img]

Raging Wrote:[quote=XXX]
this one should clear things up a bit lol

[Image: MonsterRabbit.jpg]

I once had to drive through 3 fences and 2 paddocks to get to a bunny that sizePi_tongue

The kid with the big porker is about 20 feet behind the pig, not hard to see. the rest look phoney (sp?) apart from the old trimer with the cruiser, that looks legit.

f*** M8ee, I'm green with envy bloke, working bloody nightshifts this weekend. Half your luck and good hunting.

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
busacrankin Wrote:All pigshit me thinks.Idiot2Very good trick photography except maybe for the Aussie bloke & his trusty Cruiser.

I dont think that the bloke is an aussie!!!!unless he is hunting overseas??????Im just saying that due to the left hand drive vechile he is standing next too.South Africa me thinks
bigfoot Wrote:none of those shots are fake!! where i lived back on the farm at Nundle we had pigs that big out at the back paddocks! scary animals. use to go hunting every weekend and always got pigs roughly that size! even the odd dingo!

Why is everyone so surprised about the size???????I saw a bigger PIG than that running around on a daily bassis for 11 years:JOHN WINSTON HOWARD!!!!!!same as the ferril one here ALOT OF PEOPLE HAD HIM IN THEIR LINE OF SIGHT TOO!!!shame they never double actioned on that

I dont think that the bloke is an aussie!!!!unless he is hunting overseas??????Im just saying that due to the left hand drive vechile he is standing next too.South Africa me thinks
Don't think so, have a look at the rear vision mirror, and the red dust
It's definitely an old bush basher out past West Kickatinalong!
Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
Hey 1300, the bloke with the LAND CRUISER is Aussie not the others. Maybe big foot is chasing Pigs of that size after a feed of mushies from the back of the Goldcoast.
The biggest we`ve taken was in the vicinity of 100kgs.Bigger than that their usually domestics gone wild or staged.Whenpigsfly
'The more professional you are, the closer you get to your client' Leon.

The biggest I've seen boxed was 184kg, was a fair sized pig. The guy that shot it had my dog out with him when he found it, and got a nice rip in his shoulder while hanging off it.

Another guy up there said he boxed one at 214kg about a month later, but I never saw it for myself. Will try to find photos and if I do will scan them and post them up Pi_thumbsup
They grow them big up in Nth Qld , and the ones that eat up the sugar cane grow really big, not seen one but the land owners say up to and some times over the 250kgs and these are wild buggers.
wow reminds me of "THE GOODIES"

big bunny
kawasuki Wrote:They grow them big up in Nth Qld , and the ones that eat up the sugar cane grow really big, not seen one but the land owners say up to and some times over the 250kgs and these are wild buggers.

Amanda (my 17 year old daughter) took out a feral cat last weekend. Not as big as the pigs, but any dead cat is a good one.

[Image: AmandaandherFeralCat21309fromBredbo.jpg]

Good weather, good woman, good road, good bike, good-bye!!
[attachment=5608] Mmmm Drool

Cheers for the heads up Rage & Kawa. Max you`re teaching you daughter well.Some of those feral cats get to huge propotions that we`ve bumped off over the years.
'The more professional you are, the closer you get to your client' Leon.


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