Tyre inflation easy
cheers mark <i></i>
I like these, but someone (I think on here) had a warning about them.

Where can you get these? I don't think I ride in a way that would risk whatever the warning was, so may as well get a set. <i></i>
Hey Mark,

With a bling bling bike like yours are you going to polish the rims. We are polishing like mad bastards down here in Sydney, in fact in pans case I think he has polished a bit too far.

Giving your electroplater a call tomorrow. May have a group intetested if he talks turkey.

Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!<i></i>
these are also good although nowhere near as flash.
Pressure Caps
I was warned about these also but 6 months later no leaks no probs...green is good red ...needs air...simple
and at 10 bucks for 4...well...a bargain. Cheers,
Mobile Dj, Web Design, Photography, Bullshit Artist?
Z Web World

Heard the same thing. WARNING??? Maj750t will be able to tell us how much a square inch of tyre rubber weighs at 300 klm/h. You'll be amazed.

Prolly okay for the average punter though...

I have lost 3 tyre flys. (led caps) All from the front wheel? WTF?

I put them on in the dark before I commute to work. I tell myself stay under the speed limit and all will be okay. But..........they just seem to disappear???

No I won't admit to speeding Rocketman! Must have forgot to tighten them?

Cheers, Qualifying not Speeding.

P.S. I only loose the top part with the led light. The screwwed in part remains? Anyone want to by some? (Cheap)

Thats intereresting to hear that these valves have failed in some way I would like to know what actually happened Iam aware there are cheaper makes of these on the market. My experince with this set has not caused any problems at the moment running my fourth back tyre and second front every tyre change I inspected the inside of the valve with no visible signs of fatigue maybe its a centrifugal force thing but with saying that I havent experinced any vibration or loosening of the lock nut. all in all I belive its one of the best practical mods I have done but thats just my opinion. <i></i>
Might throw out the balance of the wheel at high speed. However, the reason for this post is:
Driller, love the rotors Are they commercialy available and if so where from and how much <i></i>
Hi there,

But when the tyre is mounted and balanced the wheel is usually balanced with the tyre valve fitted so the offset would be taken into account when it's done. Saying that most tyre balancing jigs are not worth the person who's using them especially if it's the local muppet at the bike shop.

Graham Regards
Strike a blow for freedom...Smash a speed camera!!!<i></i>
G/ day diablo here's a photo of the ad and pic's of the rotors on braking is good and pad wear good i belive you could get them cheaper than the advertised price biggest improvment by far was the braided lines.Hey Graham havent found any vibration at high speed but you are right about the jigs and there monkeys in bike shop's

cheers mark <i></i>

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