Well all was well at 6 am this morning. Beautiful day for a ride Action-smiley-083 and on my way to work. Riding along the main street in town. Decided i might have a bit of fun on the back road to work and thought I had better warm the tyres up. Started drifting side to side as per usual when the unthinkable happened...........I hit a patch of gravel Pi_freak !! Well I thought I was a gonna. I felt the tip of the foot peg hit the bitumen, heard a bit of a scrape and then the tyres bit and stood me back up!! It was all over before it happened. Checked the mirror to make sure no-one saw me make a dick of myself Lol2 and carried on my way to work. Got to work and assessed the damage. Saw I had worn about half an inch off the little knob on the end of my peg and then looked further. There they were, nasty big scratches up the right hand fairing from where the bike kissed the bitumenSFun_kickingroin!! *&%^#%@$*&(# was about all that i could say at this point.
Anyway...............I F*#KEN HATE MONDAYS!!!!!!!
Sympathy, on the bright side it could have been worse.
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lucky man...could have cost thousands to fix!!!
glad no-one saw ya Roll that would have been worse i think!
I'd rather be riding my Hayabusa thinking about God than sitting in church thinking about my Hayabusa
that would have scared the crap out of ya mate least you didn't kiss the bitumen
You lucky bugger!
bear Wrote:You lucky bugger!
Buy a lottery ticket!

- and then think of how much money you've just saved, and probably skin, and who knows what else! - go out and celebrate!
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .

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