Road Warriors Cafe to close
Many of you know I am a friend of Max Mawer who is the proprietor of the Road Warriors Cafe at Mt. White NSW. The Cafe has been a mecca for motorcyclists for many many years and I personally have been dropping in there for at least 25 years (although it was originally located just down the road).

So it is with a great sadness that I announce that the Road Warriors Cafe will be shutting down in late December 2008.

The property was recently sold and the new owner has doubled the rent, passed on additional costs and now requires Max to carry out renovations. Needless to say, its just not a viable proposition for Max who has decided to up stumps. The last couple of years have been a bit hard for Max, with the Hwy being cut due to the bridge collapse, the ridiculous 60km/h speed limits and the heavy police presence all contributing to reduced passing trade.

The building will still be there and I wouldn't be surprised if the new owner has a 'mate' who takes it over and tries to make a go of it. But Max won't be associated with it, it won't be called the Road Warriors Cafe (which is a brand owned by Max) and I doubt the culture and feel of the place would ever be the same.

For those of you that don't know, Max has done more than most to support the motorcycling fraternity. Anyone who has laid a bike down on the Old Pacific Hwy, missed a bend or just come to a juddering halt - would know that Max was always just a phone call away with a trailer and a wry smile. On top of that were puncture repairs, just about any temporary mechanical fix you could imagine, gaffer tape fairing repairs, battery charges, a few litres of fuel or oil, brake bleeds, spare parts, levers, bolts and screws - and a full tool box. All part of the service - and all done for free. He's held countless charity events at the Cafe and supported many bike clubs, rally organisers and worthy causes. He will be greatly missed.

Granted, the old Cafe looks a bit tatty, but what it loses in appearance it makes up for with a hearty smile, hospitality, good coffee and food and a true sense of 'community' - which is very hard to find. I'm going to miss the sight of a carpark crammed with bikes on a sunny Sunday morning and a hundred or so riders and pillions laughing, talking, eating breakfast, sipping coffee with mates, playing cards, sharing yarns - and applauding the impromptu stunters as they put on a free show on the fly by.

So many great memories, so many wonderful people. Fantastic weekends warming myself by the cast iron fire after a quick blast in mid winter, feebly clutching a cup of coffee and watching the steam rise as my leathers and gloves dried out. Playing cards until the small hours of the morning (again in mid winter huddled around the heater). Like countless others, I've made a lot of new friends a Road Warriors, drunk an awful lot of coffee, departed for runs and rallies from there and dropped in for a quick cuppa on the way back. It has been a constant for most of my time as a rider and I can't imagine it not being there. It's the first place I used to take every new bike (including the current busa... at 1am in mid winter on the day it arrived... brrrrrr!!). I was hoping it would be the last place I'd ever ride a bike to - when I got to my late-80's and they take my license off me. The end of an era ladies and gentlemen - the end of a bloody good era.

So.... if you want to have a last chance to experience what must be one of the most well known 'bike friendly' venues in NSW, you've only got another 6 or 7 weeks to drop in at Road Warriors.

Don't forget to say hello to Max.
Any news of a final large get together?
[Image: zzzCustom.jpg]
"par excellence"
Gnarbunkle99 Wrote:Any news of a final large get together?

Good idea. I've only been there once, but what a place! If I lived nearby, it would be my local too Astro. If there is a final party, I'm up for it (god knows I love a party).
I've not heard of any party plans, but I'll keep you posted.
Much as I cant stand the place and the shitiest coffee this side of Newcastle it is an icon and Max certainly has helped a lot over the years I feel sorry for all those who frequent the place - yep thanks to the fun police the old road is just the joke road now and I stopped riding it a few years ago apart from the odd squirt in the ealry morning. Sad to see someeon who is passionate about motorcycling having to give up his place pleasure.
Egos; everyone got one
Sad to see the Joint go.

Yeh, the coffee has been somewhat questionable at times, (has been great for the last year), but The Road Warriors has been an instatution on the Old Road. It isn't going to be the same again.
The place has been there not just for the weekend warriors blurting the Old Road on any other day, But has been a lifeline for peolple like myself who use it as a half way point stop over for a quick cuppa between work in the city and home on the Central Coast and beyond.
I have a many a time pulled up at the caf'e for a lifesave coffee to purk me up for the rest of the trip home, and generally there is always someone to chat with.

Boy I am sure going to miss the place.

Max is a local personality amongst the Bike faturnity. He was the one who pressured the Goverment to reopen the Old Road after previous road collapses soon after the F3 opened. There would be NO OLD ROAD if it wasn't for dedicated people like Max.
I spoke to him last week the day I put a down payment on my new Busa, and as excited as I was to tell him all about it, I could see something was bothering him. I then asked why he looked so down. Well, The Busa news went left field as all I could think about was Max and The Road Warriors. I new straight away the place will never have the same feel again.
Max is still there working and keeping a brave face..

So if you are passing by, don't forget to say a G"Day to Max.....

Say La Vee, Say La Vaa

Best wishes for your Future Max

Steve V
" Live the Vision "
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"
I believe that theres a get together on the 14th december, as the chairs and tables have been sold and getting picked up on the 15th.
Will be sad to see Max leave as Road warriors has been a regular stop off for myself and my mates.
[Image: photo3.jpg]
Oh! sad story, hope you people find another place like that, it's nice to belong.

A good brew helps Coffee2
never fly higher than your angel.
There has been a many a time I have been quiet drowsy from long hours at work, having to ride/drive the F3 and knowing you can pull off at Mt White for a cuppa has always been reasuring.

Boy I am gonna miss the place.

"Gona have to get a THERMOS..
If you see me pulled up on the Hawksburry, you can join me for a cuppa." :) :)
" Live the Vision "
Quote "When was the last time You did something for the First Time"
LOAFIE Wrote:I believe that theres a get together on the 14th december, as the chairs and tables have been sold and getting picked up on the 15th.
Will be sad to see Max leave as Road warriors has been a regular stop off for myself and my mates.
might head that way on the 14th???? anyone keen to say bye to Max!
I'd rather be riding my Hayabusa thinking about God than sitting in church thinking about my Hayabusa

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