Look out
Chief Wigham has announced the fuzz are having a blitz in the Yarra Ranges over the next coupla weeks. Hiding in the long grass in camo gear no doubt, or maybe this year they'll have a hammock up in the tree tops.I'll out run em on the new scoot.
Lol2 ahhh classic!
Damn . . . Scary

wow that just made my day awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
This bloke'll end up Police Commissioner. When he retires he'll have a lifetime supply of Krispy Kremes...Bump
It's a week by week charade.
mmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!! Krispy Kremes now your talkin
arthur dunga Wrote:Chief Wigham has announced the fuzz are having a blitz in the Yarra Ranges over the next coupla weeks. Hiding in the long grass in camo gear no doubt, or maybe this year they'll have a hammock up in the tree tops.I'll out run em on the new scoot.

would have like to see the copper face if this dude had knocked on his window ,,, maybe the TRG would have been called
arthur dunga Wrote:Chief Wigham has announced the fuzz are having a blitz in the Yarra Ranges over the next coupla weeks. Hiding in the long grass in camo gear no doubt, or maybe this year they'll have a hammock up in the tree tops.I'll out run em on the new scoot.

you really do have to feel sorry for that poor scooter :)

Hayabusa , If your not on one , your behind one .....
Dave that bike Scary makes your Bum look really BIG Icon_rolleyes
never fly higher than your angel.
Get a load of that 'Wide assed number plate'Scary
"If time catches up with you. You're going too slow!"
Regards BUSGO
Legs like tree trunks!

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