Noisy Fan
With the warmer weather getting here, I noticed today that my cooling fan comes on pretty quickly in traffic. That is not a problem but it has a loud rattle to it that sounds like a loose bracket but they all appear to be tight. Is this a cheesecake item that needs a mod?
Hope the panel shop put all the nuts and bolts back in last time
The fans can self cheese, melt, die, mine did not cut in once at the drags and melted a bit of the fins, keep one eye on temp gauge the other on the cops and you will be ok. Cheers Robert
"....Addicted to Copper/Silver, Bling & Jelly Wrestlers ...."<i></i>
As suggested ..............check your fan blades usually when the bike is parked after use the heat soak melts the fan blade tips and a long molten slag of plastic drops down from fan blade.................then it cools leaving a nice blade extension for ya. (More so on bikes fitted with 4 into 1) Then when fan fires up it sounds like a peg on a bike spoke alloy blades and jobs done.
FF1 <i></i>
AHHH. That would explain it.
I'll check it out. Thanks FF1.

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