Bike security advice please..
bgaheer Wrote:I trust in God......:)

reason being that - here in Sydney from a very very upscale neighbourhood - our companies GM's brand new BMW M5 got stolen from his garage.

All the safety devices, GPS's and other gadgets couldnt save his car and its been 3 months and cops couldnt find it yet....

Cars like that can only be stolen one way.
An thats what thieves are doing now.
Going to the source,breaking in the house,an getting the keys
to the damn thing.

Best security,with time patience an abit of love...
Is an american pitbull,like ruben said.
Cant go wrong.
You wont even get cat footprints on your bike cover
anymore Pi_thumbsup
Scorpio 900 as well - still nervous though - if they really want it they will get it, no amount of chains and alarms stops the good thiefs
Egos; everyone got one

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