Lies lies lies
You hit the nail right on the head - it is about revenue not road safety.

Speed might be a contributing factor in road acidents and deaths, but it is seldom the main cause.

Last year in Qld, they had full page ads saying the 68ppl died from speed related accidents and they are sick of the carnage and they are increasing speed monitoring and penalties to cut the carnage.

It sounded impressive until you think about it carefully... Using their best efforts, they were able to attribute 68 road deaths to excessive speed. But hang on, the Qld road toll was 330. Therefore, they were only able to attribute 20% of road deaths to excessive speed.

What are they doing about the other 80% (like unsafe vehicles, talking on mobile phones, badly designed and maintained roads) ???? NOTHING, because there is no money in it.

It seems that their solution to every problem is to reduce the speed limit. Local roads like Mt Glorious and Mt Mee are lots of fun, but can bite you if you are silly. Much of these roads are now 60kmh because a few ppl went WAY to fast for their ability and got hurt or killed. The ppl who were hurt were probbaly doing way over the original speed limits. Dropping the speed limits would not slow them down, it just takes away the fun for more sensible ppl.

The plain and simple truth is that we will never stop road deaths. If you want to be stupid, you could seriously reduce the road toll by putting 10kmh (yes 10kmh) governors on all vehicles, but the country would grind to a screaminng halt!!!

It seems like the only thing they want you to die from is boredom!!
Some good points Josh. When will the Lamebrained begin to understand that slower is not necessarily safer. Knuppel2
It's a week by week charade.
I try not read those type of things, it just make me angry.
We're all livin' in the middle ages, and it ain't gonna get any better!
[Image: dbusasml.jpg]
I don't want a pickle . . .
There is one way to fix the speed camera problem. Smash em. Get the boys from the wilder side of town in their commodores to deal to the things.

In Hawaii they tried to introduce speed cameras. As they were put up they were smashed, pulled out of the ground, or had the lens shot out of them with a high powered rifle. Result; It was more expensive to replace the camera than what the camera earned. Therefore - No Cameras.

So get out and do the world a service. Smash a speed camera. Just smash the camera watching the speed camera first.
1hotbusa Wrote:There is one way to fix the speed camera problem. Smash em. Get the boys from the wilder side of town in their commodores to deal to the things.

In Hawaii they tried to introduce speed cameras. As they were put up they were smashed, pulled out of the ground, or had the lens shot out of them with a high powered rifle. Result; It was more expensive to replace the camera than what the camera earned. Therefore - No Cameras.

So get out and do the world a service. Smash a speed camera. Just smash the camera watching the speed camera first.

What about all the spray painters , do u know any? We will pay $$ for the job.. and supply the paint.

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