Been on to the guys at radguard to see if they will make them to suit the busa.They will but need at least three
to be ordered before they will make them.So if anyone wants one speak up and we can start to place some orders.Cost is $175 postage free.
Country concerns

Not personally concerned, but do know one or two who may be. I will contact them.
... what's a radguard..?
radiator guard.


or directly

oh ..
G'day Guys,

I have one of these radguards installed on my '01GSXR750. They are extremely well made, look fantastic, easy to fit. I have been waiting for the Hayabusa model to be produced. So if it takes three to get them to produce a guard for the Bus.....count me in.

I inquired with radguard when after i saw them at the GP last year and was told it would be made sometime this year,they have my name and were going to let me know.I was under the inpression that the guard had to be tested on a busa for heating problems.But incase the have forgotten my name I will gladly put in for one.GREG.......gregcka@hotmail.com
Jamie, I have one guy who will take one. So, you definetely have your 3. If you need his details, let me know, or should he contact radguard direct?
I think that if anyone wants one just go ahead and order one.I'll order my one sometime this weekend.So if the others who want one do the same that should do it.Just post if you do order on so we all know how many have been ordered.So if not enough have been ordered we all wont be waiting be the post box.Yhe guy said it would take about 3 weeks.

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