Riding to the island from Sydney??
Gary and I (he rides the Busa, I just hold down the rear tyre!) will be leaving from outside Motor Cycle Accessories Supermarket in Wentworth Street, Sydney at 9am on Wednesday, 15 October. We’ll also stop off at the BP on the Highway at Engadine and will be there until 10am. Look for a black/grey Busa with polished rims. We’ll then be heading down Princes Highway, spending Wednesday night in Merimbula, then continuing down on Thursday.

Would welcome some company on the ride down if anyone else is heading off on Wednesday. Are there any plans for us all to get together at the island? Have had a quick look thru the discussion board and can’t find anything. Could just be blind!

Hey Jo welcome to the board, I don't know of any planned trips to the island but where probably gonna all meet up in Cowes Saturday night for a few drinks and yarns.....Myself personally with a few others are heading down the hume towards tumut and the Snowy mts hwy.

Hope to see you's down there..

If you guys can get to Bairnsdale by Thursday morning th Barry Sheeb memorial ride leaves at 10.30 am and goes to the Island with a lap of the track at the end
Hope to see you there WTFWT
That reads Barry Sheen WTFWT
Thanks guys...we'll keep an eye out for you...don't think we'll have any trouble spotting your bike in the crowd Paul

Have also registered for the Barry Sheene ride...just need to get to Bairnsdale in time for it!

I'll be leaving Melb on the Thursday riding to Omeo and then to the island that night. Camping at trackside. Happy to have anyone along if they want to tag along (if you don't mind riding with a Honda! ). A great ride.

I'll keep an eye out for all those busas in town! Anyone camping trackside?

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