A BIG thanks to you Aussies!
I've been MIA since buying my Busa...but, I owe many of you thanks for helping steer me in the right direction. When I signed on many months ago, I was looking for info on the Busa, whether it was something I could ride, and wanted honest opinions and answers from guys and gals. This was the first site that I'd found with kind, honest people...a few crazy ones too, but hey, that's what I like!

You were all so kind to me...so I thank you...and I apologize for not sticking around much. I've found a local (U.S.) Busa board that's afforded me the opportunity to hook up with local riders...doesn't mean I won't stop by and check on you guys from time to time...

I posted a pic of my new baby in the "test" area a while back, but never got around to putting it up where everyone would see it...

This is Caesar...my pride and joy...

He's been lowered 2 inches in the front and rear. I've played around with some after market exhaust, but ended up going back to the stock pipes. I've got a Mototeck under tail kit in the box and ready for installation as soon as it's not freezing here in Virginia! And, I've got a list of mods I'd like to do on the bike once I sell one of my kidneys or a kid...okay, kidding about the kid thing!

It's nice having the board all to myself while you all sleep!
Here are a few other pics...

After being lowered a bit...

...and dorky me...don't laugh...and yes, that's a Harley Davidson coat I'm holding! I wear it every time I ride...seems to drum up some odd stares and comments, especially from the Harley guys...I still own my Harley, but it's up for sale...haven't been on it but once since buying my Busa! Why would I, right?

Thanks again everyone...ride safe...

Hrmmmm...thought I'd check the thread before I head home and now I can't see the photos!

I swear, they were there when I posted 'em...what's going on?
Hi Michelle,good to hear you are still alive and kicking.I'm glad you are happy with the busa and i bet you ride it more than some of the wimps around here .Nah the picture thing didnt work,but thats been happening to a few members.I download my pics to village photos(on the net)and then click on copy ulr to clipboard and then click on image on this board and paste,works for me.Good luck with it,cheers Rocketman!
Yeah www.villagephotos.com seems to be pretty good...


Good for you Michelle! Nice to hear from you again.

Are those photos taken at your own property? What the hell is that in the tree behind you in the second pic.

Bike looks great by the way.
How'd you get the pics back? I swear, I spent way too much time trying to get those on snapfish, then previewed every single one...they were there, then gone...

Thanks for getting 'em back!

Scott - yes, they're taken at my house...that thing in the tree is a defunct bird house! I gave up keeping it filled because the squirrels keep knocking it sideways...I need to just take it out of the tree...

...gee, thanks for noticing the little things!
Hi Michelle, the bike looks fantastic (it's identical to mine)
I can tell you polished rims really look good on this colour scheme, I had mine done just before xmas along with yoshie cans and the odd bit of chrome, safe riding and good to hear your still around.
Welcome back MichelleC and congrats on your purchase nice ride you have there, oh and thanx for putting me in the kind , honest catergory and not the crazy 1

hope ya hang around more

regards Bill
Scott - I thought it was a fireplace...

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