Oxley Hway cop chase
I reckon when they chase,the dont think of us as humans,more like a rabbit. I have sold stuff to these dudes(Hwy) and while talking to them you can see that animal in them, you see them take off in there public supplied hot rods and they think there just f*&^ing COOL. I told the last Hwycopper(customer) what I thought of them in a round-about way I said if you want to see hate for a Hwy copper go on the Honda ride in Nov I said the hate would be equal to one of the911 hijackers...........took his money and f****d off. Cheers,
There are good Cops and bad Cops.
Same as there are good bikers and BAD bikers.
Trouble is that with blinkers on both sides of the road they all get tarred with the same brush.

I suggest you treat every new encounter with an open mind and 50% of the time you will be treated fair.

Having said that and getting back to this thread...
I travelled up and down the Pacific Hwy to the Gold Coast over the past two days and encountered 4 roving HWY Patrol cars and 1 roving speed camera between Port Macquarie and Ballina on each day.
They didn't appear to be interested in me sitting about 10k over in either direction.

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