What's the big deal ?
I don't get it,
What's the big deal about the Drags ?
I can go to any long back street and unleash the thing over and over again for free. And i do !
What is the point of it ?
I know what it's quarter time is as it's documented in many mags.

Every ten seconds, somewhere on this earth,there is a woman giving birth to a child.She must be found and stopped
So what did the magazine say that YOU can run the quarter in?

I reckon it would be out by 2 seconds.
It's a sport.
Doctor told me to lose weight and keep fit.
"sometimes, crime does pay"

Customer Service & Complaints Division
Easyrider Imports

Whats the deal about ride days you can just go out on quite public roads and ride around like an idiot for free

Maybe some of us enjoy the saftey and legality of riding the world's fastest production bike on a closed course and not looking over our shoulder.

Not to mention the time card at the end....

Evil are you telling me you can find people to street race you on the Busa? Or are you doing the highy accurate stopwatch thing with a mate?

Come on Evil give it a go you might enjoy yourself.


Well if you've gotta ask..................

I don't drag race. but I do appreciate the passion these guys put into their hobby/sport. My hat goes off to them.

And as for "ride around like an idiot for free"!

I resemble that remark BLACKCAT! It ain't for free though. Cost me between $30 and $40 to go "around the block" these days...

This is resembling a popcorn moment though!

XCheers, Riding around like an idiot, not talking!

Well actually iv'e heard of a few that have lost their machine at the Drags.

And yes i don't know about street racing but certainly push the envelope at times with other Busa riders, to the point i trashed my machine on a tight corner.

Horses for courses i guess but i find far more enjoyment at pushing the limits on a long stretch of twistys and trying to keep up with 'Ohzone' the cornering bastard.

Every ten seconds, somewhere on this earth,there is a woman giving birth to a child.She must be found and stopped
No matter how fast you are ..................there's always someone faster
Fast ? ? ? ...................it's only relevent to what your travelling with at the time
As for whats the big deal ..................guess it's the age old thing of man against machine and different strokes for different folks.
Untill you've done it you won't appreciate it.
It's not for everyone, but I can assure you, if you think it's easy, think again. When you get dusted a few times by 600s etc it makes you think about how to get a big lump moving fast. If you fronted up with a Holden Comode then no big deal. Lights green, flatten the throttle off you go. But when you have more power than the tyre can handle, and wheelstands are easy, then there's a bit of skill involved. You don't get that on the road. Oh and yes, Ohzone is quick on the roads, but theres no roos at Quit Motoplex, nor Sunday drivers and side roads. Has a lot going for it! It's not going fast that kills, it's how fast you stop.
Bear, When are you going again ? Every ten seconds, somewhere on this earth,there is a woman giving birth to a child.She must be found and stopped
Hi Evil

From my perspective Drag racing is another avenue where I can test myself and machine in a measurable environment, much the same as a Track Day but a lot cheaper!

I could measure my performance over my favourite bit of road, but I like the thought of having an Ambulance for when things go wrong and not worrying about the law!

Bike Magazines have tested it but I want to know what I can do with my bike! Sure there are people that are faster than me, but its as much about improving personally as it is about racing the guy in the other lane!

Drag Racing is also great for spectators, all vantage points get to see the action, races are short which means you get to see a different race every 20 seconds, all ages can compete and be competive, your times are comparable to just about any track around the world, its the largest fastest motorsport in the world and its addictive!

These are just my views, hope it helps. Shayne

Thanks Shane, I'll have to try it now and then post again with an outcome..... Every ten seconds, somewhere on this earth,there is a woman giving birth to a child.She must be found and stopped
Ignore Evil he likes to go on fishing expeditions
BLOODY Evil shit stirring Bugger
What did i do now?
Picking on me for no reason again !

Hey Ohz, I thought we were going to trial it ?? Every ten seconds, somewhere on this earth,there is a woman giving birth to a child.She must be found and stopped

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