Ping Heidi
Hi Heidi,
We were supposed to be doing Bill's mesh and my Scott-oiler this weekend. Following the Bali thing last weekend I ended up on a plane with 4 hours notice. Got here straight off my dayshift last Sunday. Probably here for another week or so. orry mate, I was completely incommunicado and could't get to you. Mind you the weather in Bali today has to beat Canberra.

Tried emailing you but your tech's must kow me by now!

I'll sms when I get back. Found this internet cafe a couple of days ago. Please apologise to Bill for me.

Max - on tour in the Indian cean this time Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
Good Bike, Good Woman, Good Road, Good Weather, Good God - Good Bye!
Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
YOu take care little buddy, it isn't just the terrorists you have to watch, don't eat anything from the roadside stalls. That'll kill you quicker than a ball bearing.

Keep your head down, we'll catch up when you get back.

Love to the family


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