18-08-2005, 12:44am
DJ what happened to freedom of speech ?
You have taken away something i use every day !
Dump shit on
get the shits with
give someone the shits
have one's shit together
shit for brains
have the shits
have the shits with someone
holy shit
in the shit
not worth a pinch of shit
one of my favorites piece of shit
push shit uphill
put shit on
scare the shit out of someone
shit a brick
shit happens
shit it in
shit oneself
sure as shit
the shit hits the fan
tough shit
up shit creek
up to shit
shit house
All of the above phrases were taken out of the Macquarie Essential Dictionary !
Thats it im protesting from now on all my replys will be in greek !
Every ten seconds, somewhere on this earth,there is a woman giving birth to a child.She must be found and stopped
You have taken away something i use every day !
Dump shit on
get the shits with
give someone the shits
have one's shit together
shit for brains
have the shits
have the shits with someone
holy shit
in the shit
not worth a pinch of shit
one of my favorites piece of shit
push shit uphill
put shit on
scare the shit out of someone
shit a brick
shit happens
shit it in
shit oneself
sure as shit
the shit hits the fan
tough shit
up shit creek
up to shit
shit house
All of the above phrases were taken out of the Macquarie Essential Dictionary !
Thats it im protesting from now on all my replys will be in greek !
Every ten seconds, somewhere on this earth,there is a woman giving birth to a child.She must be found and stopped