new member here
hi all, my names Tony & i'm from the southside of brizzy & ride an 03 silver busa. I did have an 03 model blue silver but sold it & went bikeless 4 12mths, now i'm back on two wheels & lhappy again
gr8 2 meet you Tony. Bet u r glad to be back on board the bus. See you on a ride soon!!
back Tony
"riding, not posting... as much"
Yeah welcome back.
There is another 03 Grey/Silver in your area.
Gazamataz works in the CBD and commutes on the bike when he is in the country. You might see him around.

Hope your abscence wasn't due to loss of licence.


I'm not using it anyway!
thanks 4 the warm welcome people, no it wasnt due to a lack of licence busgo, it was sell me XR6T so i could buy a 4wd or the bike, would have lost $20k selling the car, thought it would be easier to replace the bike theen the car, now i got 1 toy of each that i desire i aint selling shit unless it's to update
Welcome aboard/back Tony. The more the merrier.... The older I get, the better I was. Regards.... Rob
Tony, we have a friend here in Sydney whose number plate is Bus69!
"riding, not posting... as much"
that would be one sweet lokking plate then

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