6th Gear Hesitation??
Been noticing for a while that while cruising along in 6th, the bike seems to hesitate momentarily, then normal. No change in note, no exhaust stutter, just feels like the bike cops a gust of wind head on, or it hits a slight rise, but of course there is no wind or rise. To continue.................. I recently got the G.P.I. installed and today we went for a ride up to Mt. Glorious,( the ride was as the name states....Gloroius!), noticed that the G.P.I. in 6th only occasionally fluctuates from 6th to N, these fluctuations corrospond with the felt hesitation.....Richer Mixture and more Advanced Ignition in 6th would explain the change in engine operation I guess ????
My main Question is regarding the Gear Position Switch...I'm thinking this is most likely the culprit....has anyone had similar experience, and is the Gear Pos. Sw. in the minds of the more qualified on this Board the first place to start????

Thanks...............................Graeme.. <i></i>

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