Mine likewise sits about 2-3 mm under half way, i always thought this was common. regardless of freeway use or peak hour traffic it always sits the same......unless it's low on oil which i noticed once and it sat right on the halfway mark......... <i></i>
maybe you guys all got the same problem?
A quarter temp ?!!!! Where were you riding ? the Arctic Circle ?? <i></i>
I think maybe your gauge is f****d Jes,or your thermostat is perminantly open,cause mine sits just under half too. <i></i>
when my bike was new(er) it would always sit at quarter temp... has anyone got a bus with under 5,000km's on it???
i just carnt remember when it decided to sit on just under half just like everybody elses?
Jessie, if you are mechanically minded and have access to a multimeter check the resistance across the temp sender which is screwed into the radiator on the top LHS.
In the Suzuki manual on p398 its stated that the resistance is 811 ohms at 50'C and 142 ohms at 110'C which also indicates that the temp gauge should be at the midway point. Now everyone is saying that their gauges read approx 2-3mm under this . Which is approx 90 to 100'C which is fine with a presuurized system running a glycol mix. Basically the resistance output of the sender drops numerically as the temp goes up numerically. OK. If this has a linear output you can draw a graph using the 2 points to determine the other values within reason
The other way to check this is with an IR gun pointing to the rad --wil give a fair indication of temp depending on the emissivity . The other way is a thermocouple that some newer multimeters have outputs for.
hope this helps <i></i>
well according to the manual ( i should have checked this) everything is as it should be!
Resistance is as it should be and the guage is reading within a reasonable tolerance.
the guage might have been playing up when new?