Rear Disc
Shit.... 35,000km and my rear disc is allready on its wear limit.

I had a blackbird and put 80,000km it and didn't wear out any dics.

I allways try and use a soft pad recomended by the dealer but I can't remember the type I put in last time.

I never thought I would say it, but the bloody thing has got too much horsepower..... Tyres, chains, sprockets, brakes, everything is wearing out..

The price we pay..

Ardavrk <i>Edited by: busababy at: 12/11/01 12:58:50 am
Looks like in an effort to minimise weight they are keeping disc thickness down to a minimum.
Planet discs (Vic) should be able to make up a new disc to your specs (ie. thickness, vent holes or slots, number and pattern of vent holes or slots) for around $190 for non-floating discs (as the rear ones are).
The price may have changed as its been a while since I needed to buy any. Awesome discs (location unknown to me) should do they same thing.
Its a pain in the arse as RWC for the last few years require discs to be above minimum thickness and most jap sports bikes will be unroadworthy at 35-50 thousand km's. At least those that I've had the pleasure (dubious) of getting a RWC for......
To much horsepower???

i think you are the first person i have EVER hear say that.....
how can you have to much horsepower, when the solution to any problem is MORE HORSEPOWER

just have to make sute the bits are upto it. Just think of the busa like a top fueller, is you run it upto its limits all the time, be prepared to carry out the required maintenence.
We are just luck the busa is not a Italian bike, otherwise we would be rebuilding them every 30,000km's

My Busa has done only 15,000 kms and the rear disc is warped like a banana.
I had the mechanic machine it at work but that didn't help, in fact, it made it worse!
I had it checked out thoroughly and was informed that the quality of the standard disc was very good indeed.
My disc was worn down to 4.7 mm and the minimum machinable thickness on the standard disc is 4.5mm, so it was still within it's wear limits.
I guess the way to go is to have one made up to the maximum possible thickness, that the caliper will permit and of quality high tensile steel.
Any suggestions?

Just bought a new rear disk from "Awesome Discs" in Ringwood Victoria. I thought $180 (cash only) was a great price as it is not only thicker than the original manufacturers disc, but also of a superior high tensile steel.
It is guaranteed never to warp and can run any pad combination.
If anyone is interested Rodney Camm can be contacted at Awesome Discs on 9879 7755. It generally takes him a day or two, to make one up.
Any idea how this price compares with a "genuine"? <i></i>
Peter Stevens in Dandenong quoted me $386 for a genuine rear, so buying a replacement from Awesome Discs saved me over $200!
It's better than a genuine unit and cheaper, which sounds goods to me! <i></i>

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