Removing mufflers
If i were to say replace the mufflers with some staright pipe would i enoucnter any problems? as it is the muzzy cans i have on are straight through with a larger diameter than the stock pipes between engine and cans. im just wanting to experiment a little bit with exhausts so is ther any problems at all with takeing mufflers off except the obvious <i></i>
Hey Dan,
lift your cans off and liusten to the thunder. That's the noise you'll get without a muffler at all. Sounds pretty aggressive and very loud. Cops would creawl all over you in a moment I think. That's basically what the Hardly Drivers do, and they are just too loud. A smaller muffler could be the answer.

Max Madmax - GSX1300R Black and Blue Buses Rule
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Smith and Wesson - The original point and click interface.
Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
ah the crawl all over me as it is so no change there. i know its loud i took them off today and went for a cruise least no one will knock me off as they can here me coming from sydney

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